Saturday, July 24, 2010


It has been a nice week, and a good week to catch up on rest. Like Taylor said last week we went to a church called Rivercity Church and it was a great experience. And encouraging to be around some of the believers in that church and get to know them and hearing them speak from their hearts. They are convinced of living in a missional community, which is sweet. It has been sweet walking into work and being dumbfounded and in awe of how God created the bird. You look at machines and how they operate and you see they are such simple machines. But when you examine the very nature of the bird, and try to wrap your mind around how the heart and the brain functions are in sequence to bringing the bird into flight, it blows my mind. And it points to God the Creator and how Great he is. What greatness, power, wisdom, knowledge, and creativeness it takes to create the bird. And not just the bird, but EVERYTHING. I challenge you to look at what God has created dwell upon the complexity of what he has created, and let it point you to who he is. Please pray for my co-worker who I will leave anynonomous, he denies the deity of Christ, beg God that he would proclaim that Christ is God, Savior and Lord. That he would surrender to one he denies.


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