It has been a nice week, and a good week to catch up on rest. Like Taylor said last week we went to a church called Rivercity Church and it was a great experience. And encouraging to be around some of the believers in that church and get to know them and hearing them speak from their hearts. They are convinced of living in a missional community, which is sweet. It has been sweet walking into work and being dumbfounded and in awe of how God created the bird. You look at machines and how they operate and you see they are such simple machines. But when you examine the very nature of the bird, and try to wrap your mind around how the heart and the brain functions are in sequence to bringing the bird into flight, it blows my mind. And it points to God the Creator and how Great he is. What greatness, power, wisdom, knowledge, and creativeness it takes to create the bird. And not just the bird, but EVERYTHING. I challenge you to look at what God has created dwell upon the complexity of what he has created, and let it point you to who he is. Please pray for my co-worker who I will leave anynonomous, he denies the deity of Christ, beg God that he would proclaim that Christ is God, Savior and Lord. That he would surrender to one he denies.

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Bachelor Party.
Holla back youngin's,
It's ya boi. Ok sorry I got a little too fresh there. Good week. Found a new love... disc golf. This weekend Seth, Patrick Komisky, and I went to the obed river to camp out for Daniel Keaton's Bachelor Party. It was a lot of fun. Keaton has become a good friend over the past year and I was pretty excited to hang out with him and some other Golden Eaglets. As you may or may not know from Seth's previous blog title, I had some pretty sick nasty poison ivy this past week but I was too much of a wimp to get a shot. I know, I know, ridiculous. What could have been a three day ordeal was about a week and a half. SO moral of the story: Don't be a punk, get a shot. We got back from the party Saturday night and Sunday we went to the launch of a new Acts 29 church plant that's going down in Chattanooga. Acts 29 is a church planting network founded by Mark Driscoll. Check them out if you get a chance. I enjoyed it we went to eat at the pastor's house after. It's interesting because the pastor, Martin, is a state representative in Georgia (State Government, not federal) so it's an interesting dynamic I've never heard of before. Oh well that's all for now. Check out the CCP blog ( and pray for the family.
It's ya boi. Ok sorry I got a little too fresh there. Good week. Found a new love... disc golf. This weekend Seth, Patrick Komisky, and I went to the obed river to camp out for Daniel Keaton's Bachelor Party. It was a lot of fun. Keaton has become a good friend over the past year and I was pretty excited to hang out with him and some other Golden Eaglets. As you may or may not know from Seth's previous blog title, I had some pretty sick nasty poison ivy this past week but I was too much of a wimp to get a shot. I know, I know, ridiculous. What could have been a three day ordeal was about a week and a half. SO moral of the story: Don't be a punk, get a shot. We got back from the party Saturday night and Sunday we went to the launch of a new Acts 29 church plant that's going down in Chattanooga. Acts 29 is a church planting network founded by Mark Driscoll. Check them out if you get a chance. I enjoyed it we went to eat at the pastor's house after. It's interesting because the pastor, Martin, is a state representative in Georgia (State Government, not federal) so it's an interesting dynamic I've never heard of before. Oh well that's all for now. Check out the CCP blog ( and pray for the family.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
A week of poison ivy
Hello it's been a pretty mediocre week, meaning that not much stuff has been going on in Chattanooga. World Cup is over and the Tour de France has just started, two things that are enjoyable to watch. Work has been going well and it has been tiring. One nice thing that this summer has offered is for a chance to be active and to get out and exercise, something that I lack to do during the school year. Today was sweet going to listen to one of our associate pastors speak at another church on evangelism. This pastor who does share his faith quite often was talking about how he does not have a passion for outreach or evangelism, but he does have a passion for Christ which leads him to share the gospel with the lost. What an intriguing statement, something to think about. Does our passion for Christ lead us to share the great truth of the gospel or are we compelled to share out of pride, approval, or rivalry. Let not the later be true for our lives.
-Sanderson (Seth).
Well hello, fancy meeting you here. What's up all? I hope everyone is
doing well, enjoying life and what not. This week has been sweet and
sour in a way. God has revealed some great sins in my life, a few
things were pretty straight forward. So do I now, by the spirit,
repent and return to Jesus or do I mock God's patience and continue
sinning? Dudes and dudinas praise Jesus for taking our sins on
himself bringing us to himself and equipping us with the spirit so we
can live a life pleasing to him. It's not the easiest thing in the
world no doubt. But man we reap what we sow. I can sow to sin (or even
spiritually neutral things that take my affections from God) and reap
death and corruption. Or sow to the spirit and reap life. If you guys
have time check out the end of Galatians do it and if you have any
more time listen to Mark Driscoll's sermon on it. Sadly Uraguay got
fourth in the world cup... I mean it's pretty good but Forlán can only
carry a country for so long. By the time this is read the world cup
will be over and hopefully the Netherlands will be victorious. In the
words or the apostles and Jacob Brooks "grace and peace."
-Sanderson (Seth).
Well hello, fancy meeting you here. What's up all? I hope everyone is
doing well, enjoying life and what not. This week has been sweet and
sour in a way. God has revealed some great sins in my life, a few
things were pretty straight forward. So do I now, by the spirit,
repent and return to Jesus or do I mock God's patience and continue
sinning? Dudes and dudinas praise Jesus for taking our sins on
himself bringing us to himself and equipping us with the spirit so we
can live a life pleasing to him. It's not the easiest thing in the
world no doubt. But man we reap what we sow. I can sow to sin (or even
spiritually neutral things that take my affections from God) and reap
death and corruption. Or sow to the spirit and reap life. If you guys
have time check out the end of Galatians do it and if you have any
more time listen to Mark Driscoll's sermon on it. Sadly Uraguay got
fourth in the world cup... I mean it's pretty good but Forlán can only
carry a country for so long. By the time this is read the world cup
will be over and hopefully the Netherlands will be victorious. In the
words or the apostles and Jacob Brooks "grace and peace."
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Taylor finally posted
Ladies & Gentlemen,
It's been a while.... my apologies. I would love to say that Ive been super busy and just could not blog but really I just got lazy. I'm sorry dudes. Ok well the last few weeks have been interesting. First of all USA lost to Ghana... again. What the heck guys. Second of all, It's really hard to honor my parents. It's easy for me to lose respect for my dad because he isn't a christian or at least his life shows no signs of faith. I would like to think well I don't have to honor him because he isn't doing his job as a father. That's a load of crap. What it comes down to is that I don't want to submit and serve him. So this is good to see so that I can now repent and start to serve and honor him. Thirdly, a great friend of mine has been coming to the small group me and Seth are a part of and it's been awesome. God is definitely doing some work. The plan is to hang out with him and try to plug him in to the community at the small group so that he can continue when Seth and I are back at school. We both come from the same small christian high school and have similar experiences so I want to be able to talk with him about the wrong thoughts he may have about God that I am still working through myself. The question I have been asking myself is how do we establish someone else in their faith? What does it take/cost/look like? I would encourage you guys to think about this. I mean I know quite a few "right answers" but the practice of those are wholly foreign to me. You kids on project better eat up like a sponge the stuff they are telling you. That's hard though because sponges don't eat... Lastly, we lost one this week. Sean is o-u-t of Chattown for the next few weeks because he is going to The Zealand. It's been awesome having him around and super encouraging. We surely miss our scenic city brethren. Pray for my ability to honor my parents, my good friend, Sean and the other folks on CCP. More on church visiting and Uraguay's path to the world cup finals next week.
PS Listen to Driscoll's sermon on friendship and talk about it with your friends.
Well guys in one day flying to New Zealand!! I just wanted o say I am super excited about what God is going to teach me while in New Zealand, because it is going to be all application when I get about to the States, specifically Chat- Town~!! Thank you all for praying for me, and for all those in Chat- Town who helped me acclimate to a new city! Thank you Thank you thank you!! This is my last blog post, but now I will be posting on a new blog, dedicated for stories of our New Zealand trip! The blog site is I hope you all continue to walk in the Lord Jesus.
Your brother,
Hello everyone, just a quick update. Work has been good, Sean has left our house, my mom cried a little bit, nothing out of the ordinary this week, oh yeah went to a drive in with some people, lots of fun. Hopefully next week I will have a better update, given the time.
It's been a while.... my apologies. I would love to say that Ive been super busy and just could not blog but really I just got lazy. I'm sorry dudes. Ok well the last few weeks have been interesting. First of all USA lost to Ghana... again. What the heck guys. Second of all, It's really hard to honor my parents. It's easy for me to lose respect for my dad because he isn't a christian or at least his life shows no signs of faith. I would like to think well I don't have to honor him because he isn't doing his job as a father. That's a load of crap. What it comes down to is that I don't want to submit and serve him. So this is good to see so that I can now repent and start to serve and honor him. Thirdly, a great friend of mine has been coming to the small group me and Seth are a part of and it's been awesome. God is definitely doing some work. The plan is to hang out with him and try to plug him in to the community at the small group so that he can continue when Seth and I are back at school. We both come from the same small christian high school and have similar experiences so I want to be able to talk with him about the wrong thoughts he may have about God that I am still working through myself. The question I have been asking myself is how do we establish someone else in their faith? What does it take/cost/look like? I would encourage you guys to think about this. I mean I know quite a few "right answers" but the practice of those are wholly foreign to me. You kids on project better eat up like a sponge the stuff they are telling you. That's hard though because sponges don't eat... Lastly, we lost one this week. Sean is o-u-t of Chattown for the next few weeks because he is going to The Zealand. It's been awesome having him around and super encouraging. We surely miss our scenic city brethren. Pray for my ability to honor my parents, my good friend, Sean and the other folks on CCP. More on church visiting and Uraguay's path to the world cup finals next week.
PS Listen to Driscoll's sermon on friendship and talk about it with your friends.
Well guys in one day flying to New Zealand!! I just wanted o say I am super excited about what God is going to teach me while in New Zealand, because it is going to be all application when I get about to the States, specifically Chat- Town~!! Thank you all for praying for me, and for all those in Chat- Town who helped me acclimate to a new city! Thank you Thank you thank you!! This is my last blog post, but now I will be posting on a new blog, dedicated for stories of our New Zealand trip! The blog site is I hope you all continue to walk in the Lord Jesus.
Your brother,
Hello everyone, just a quick update. Work has been good, Sean has left our house, my mom cried a little bit, nothing out of the ordinary this week, oh yeah went to a drive in with some people, lots of fun. Hopefully next week I will have a better update, given the time.
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