Saturday, May 22, 2010


"Week two in Chat town!!!"
I have a lot more respect for my parents since I have been waking up around 5:30am for the past two weeks! I am exhausted! It has been awesome having Seth and Taylor for encouragement. We talk about what we have been learning in the word, and we meet on Sundays for accountability time. I went to Silverdale Baptist church's small group Wednesday night, and it was really good being under Travis teaching. He was thorough in his explanation of 1 Peter 3:9-12, and I am just excited to be apart of the church! I will be visiting a Reformed Baptist Church this Sunday. Pray that God would give me and Taylor clarity of mind as we begin to decide on which church we should place our membership. We want to give and not take from the church which unfortunately so many people do these days. One last thing. I met a family Wednesday night that were out of money and headed back to Nashville. Pray for their safety. Their names are Bo, Tiffany, Cheyenne, and Cloey Lawson. Tiffany's dad was also with them, and his name is Al.

May Christ be your all in all! Love you all in the Lord.

-Sean Stallings.

Work was great again this week. Thanks for your prayers"

"Work Week"
It has been a good week, and praise God that he has provided a job for me. This week I started a my job at TVA and it is awesome. I work with a lot of nice people and have been going out to lunch with some and getting to know them. Today I got invited by one of my co-workers to go and mountain bike with him and some other guys who work at TVA. It was pretty funny cause these guys had $2000-$4000 dollar bikes and I was riding my mom's Mongoose, but nevertheless the Mongoose held up and it was good spending time outside of work with some of the people I work with. I have started to see the difficulties of somewhat being out in the real world. It is tough and a struggle to get adequate time to pray and get in the word where it is quiet and away from distractions, but it's not impossible. But man is it good to keep my mind focused on God throughout the day and just praising him for who he is whether I am walking into work or driving home from work or just anytime when my thoughts aren't consumed with doing my task at work. Please be praying for my co-workers that our relationships would grow deeper and that I would share and live out the love that Christ has shown us on the cross.

-Seth Anderson

So the first couple of days home has been...well many things. It's taking to time to adjust to say the least. Hanging with my family especially my brother has been sweet. I would agree with Sean and Seth in that managing my time is a struggle right now. I am currently painting and doing remodeling work which means long days and lots of time to think...which can be dangerous. Pray that my thoughts would be of Jesus. Sean and I visited Christ Community Church today and it was pretty baller. It's a really small church that meets in an office building. It was very different than what I was expecting. The first 45 minutes was like a class on a survey of the whole bible and how it all points to Christ. If you've never read psalm 2, 22, or 110 do it (especially psalm 22 it's most certainly paints a clear image of crucifixion and was written long long before Jesus... straight up). Then they have like 15-20 minutes of just fellowship. Then one of the three elders teaches. It was rad. They are camped out in 1 Peter and today was on 5:6-9. It was about humility and it was raw. Then we sang, then prayed, then peaced out. It will be interesting finding a church with Sean because it's clear to both of us that it's an important decision and it will require much prayer. I could go on... but I won't for now. Pray that I would serve my parents and love my brother. More to come soon.

- Taylor (yes the X's and O's mean hugs & kisses)

1 comment:

  1. Glad everything is going so well! I'm prayin for you guys.
    - Ruthie
